Retreat Lodging

Lodging is not included in the event cost so that you can choose the type of lodging that most appeals to you.  Searsport Shores Ocean Campground offers RV and tent spaces.  They also have cabins and campers to rent.  Or you can choose your own B&B or other lodging offsite.

Stay with us at Searsport Shores

Walk to your classes and make sure you are close for all the meals and ad-hoc knitting meetups. Stay with us and make it truly an immersive retreat.

Please call the Campground directly to reserve your spot for the event. Please tell them that you’re with the KnitWit Retreat.

(207) 548-6059

Trailer and Cabin Rentals

Campsites for Tents and Campers

Off-site Options

These links are provided for your information only. We cannot guarantee the quality or availability of any of these.

Fireside Inn and Suites

Gull Motel

Seascape Motel & Cottages

Belfast Harbor Inn

Yankee Clipper Motel



Class Descriptions


Cost and Registration   <---REGISTER NOW

Sample Schedule 

Pet Policy 


Special Thank You to our sponsors!  These brands have provided many of the goodies you'll find in your swag bag and in the drawing prizes.